Sunday, March 10, 2019

Bon Voyage

A good overview of the city from the Hop On, Hop Off bus!

It sure is cold!
A new friend

Warmed up with a traditional Steak and Kidney Pudding at the Pub, it sure was delicious!

The day finished with a whip around (1/2 hour) on the London Eye,

The first day in London travelling around on the Hop On - Hop Off bus, cold, windy and a bit wet.

                   Kate made this beautiful cake, with the actual Narrowboat that we have hired.

Enjoying some fun times with the Melbourne Granddaughters!!!

We would like an early night as the Taxi is picking us up at 3:30am

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindsay and Beth,
    Looks like you are having a great time. God bless you both on your trip.
    David Glover
