Sunday, April 7, 2019

Black Country Living Museum

We immersed ourselves in the sight, sounds, smells and tastes of the past as we explored period shops and houses discovering what it was like to live and work in one of the worlds most industrialised landscapes. Enjoy some pictures with us. See if you can work out what is from which aarea of life.


  1. Hello from Kalorama. We continue to watch your travels with interest. Some very fascinating old world scenes. What was all the old fashioned people about?
    We also heard about your chat with Macka. Our close friend Sheila just happened to be by the radio and thought it must be you when the little island near Paynesville was mentioned.
    Things are a bit sad here having to attend 2 funerals in the past 2 weeks of good friends.
    You continue to enjoy and we look forward to your return and all the stories. Cheers, Jeanette and Graeme

  2. Hi Guys, just found out how to see the comments. So sorry you have had more funerals. We are thoroughly enjoying ourselves. The Living Museum is like Old Sydney Town, they have moved any old shopes etc that were going to be pulled down to that area and make it into a town of its own. The locals support it by moving around talking to people and socializing with each other. Great place. Are you going to RI for Easter? Much love, Beth
