Monday, April 29, 2019

Milton Keynes to Uxbridge (near London)

This last week we have been leading up to Easter which is the most important time of the year for us to remember afreash the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have now celebrated the stone being rolled away with the angel announcing the that Jesus had risen just like He said He would. We can be assured that He was trustworthy then and is still today.

We arrived at the first lock Monday morning only to find that all the gates were open and the water had all drained away so before we could do anything we had to fill up the basin between the locks. Hope this doesn't happen too often.

As its been School Holidays we have spent time with children watching what we were doing and allowing them to have a go. So much fun to see these young people learning about the Canals and how the locks work.

The British Museum was filled with interest from the ancient world

Easter Saturday we spent at the Victoria and Albert Museum, there were the most amazing tapestries from the Gospels all with the verses to go with them. Each peace would have been about 6 x 10 metres.

It doesn't take much to get the Poms outdoors, here they are on a sunny day in the V&A water feature

One of the glass exhibits

Easter Sunday we spent with friends at Church in the morning then again at the 6:30pm service. What a great day to remember our Lords resurrection.

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